Octavio Gonzalez

Octavio (Tavi) Gonzalez
Curriculum Vitae

(781) 283-2518
Creative Writing
B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., Pennsylvania State University; M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers University
Founders Hall 101

Octavio R. González

Associate Professor of English

Queer literary studies, including representations of HIV/AIDS; transatlantic Modernism, including the Harlem Renaissance; and the 20C Novel.

Octavio R. Gonzalez is Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at Wellesley College. He teaches courses on American queer literature and culture, British and American modernism, and the twentieth century novel. Such courses include The Harlem Renaissance; Sapphic Modernism; The Gay 1990s; and Writing AIDS, 1981-Present.

His monograph,Misfit Modernism: Queer Forms of Double Exile in the Twentieth-Century Novel, was recently published in the Refiguring Modernism imprint from Pennsylvania State University Press (September 2020). His first poetry collection,The Book of Ours, was a selection of the chapbook series at Letras Latinas, University of Notre Dame (Momotombo Press, 2009). He is currently working on a second poetry manuscript, entitled “Limerence: The Wingless Hour.” Some poems from this collection appear inLambda Literary’sPoetry Spotlight,Anomaly,La Guagua, and the “Taboo” series atLa Casita GrandeSalon, as well as an anthology of Dominican poets in the diaspora (Retrato intimo de poetas dominicanos,https://amzn.to/2Sz051V). Other poems appear inPuerto del Sol,OCHO, andMiPoesias, among other journals. You can follow him on Twitter @TaviRGonzalez.