graphic of two people standing by a large cell phone

COVID-19 has imposed unforeseen challenges upon the work and family lives of our faculty and staff. We have accordingly put health resources and safety protocols in place to support and protect the well-being of our community.

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Return to campus checklist

graphic: two people around a cell phone screen

All faculty, staff, and students returning to campus in the fall will be tested once weekly as part of a pooled PCR testing program with the Broad Institute. Whether you are new to the College’s COVID-19 testing program or will be testing for the first time, you will need to do the following:

  • Complete the following three forms in theFall 2021 Documentation Toolboxon MyWellesley. Once completed, each one will turn green. If any of these three are red, you will not be able to test:
    • 2021–2022 Consent to SARS-COV-2 Testing
    • 2021–2022 COVID Acknowledgment
    • Broad Test Data Check
  • Testing at Beebe is open every day from August 30 to September 11, and you may come without an appointment between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Beginning the week of September 12, faculty and staff preferences will be used to assign your testing day and location for the semester. Fill out your testing day and location preference using the form in the toolbox. The regular testing schedule will be Sunday through Thursday. Make sure that you select testing days when you are planning to be on campus the next day and can re-test if requested to do so.
  • Make sure your mobile number is correct and that you have identified your mobile as your “primary” home number inWorkday. We will use this number to contact you regarding positive test results or possible exposures.
  • Save the phone number for Contact Tracing (781.474.0383) in your phone so that you will recognize a phone call from this number. Note that OEHN nurses may need to reach you regarding health matters, so please be attentive to these calls or voicemails.
  • Bring your College ID to the testing site on the day you are testing. If you need a replacement College ID, you mayrequest onefrom Campus Police. Campus Police will email you when the new card is ready for pick up.

Bringing vendors to campus

graphic of construction workers and an office worker

Vendors and contractors brought in by academic and administrative departments or by Student Life in conjunction with student organizations.All vendors and contractors coming to campus who will be entering campus buildings and interacting with members of our community must complete thisvisitor registration form,ks them to verify their vaccination status (including booster) and agree to adhere to our masking policy. The department arranging for the vendor is responsible for notifying them of this requirement.

Contractors hired by the Facilities Department, including regular contractors, tradespeople who provide emergency and other building-related services, and contractors working on active construction projects, follow a different process. The Facilities Department reviews and monitors health and safety protocols for these facilities contractors, and communicates the College’s requirements. Contractors are required to wear masks indoors except in defined construction zones with limited community contact. They should reach out to their Facilities contact with any questions.

Notification of testing or exposure

person with an alert sign

If you are on campus, we ask that you notify the College if you have been or plan to be tested for COVID-19 for symptom-related reasons. In these cases, we will support and work with you to consider whether you have had significant contact with people who might need to be quarantined while you await test results. There are two reporting forms available through the Toolbox:

Complete thereport positive testform if you have received a positive test result outside of Broad testing.

Complete theexposure notification form(also found in theDocumentation Toolboxin MyWellesley) if any of the scenarios below apply to you:

  • You are receiving a symptomatic test for COVID-19.
  • You have been notified by a local or state health department of a known or potential exposure to COVID-19.
  • You are unvaccinated and learn that you or your cohabitant(s) have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.


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For out-of-state and international travel

  • Unvaccinated employees:
    • Complete theTravel Tracker
    • Quarantine for five days before returning to campus
  • Vaccinated employees:
      • One negative PCR test is required prior to returning to in-person work or class on campus
      • 仅供国际旅行:完成Travel Trackerper International Safety Committee policies


    • The College is not able to provide individual PCR tests before travel. In most instances, the negative result from your pooled PCR test will qualify for travel purposes. If you require an individual test, find a nearbytesting location.
    • If you leave the state, you are required to have one negative PCR test result in order to return to the classroom after spring break. You should also test twice over the seven-day period after you return to campus: on day one and day four.