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Become a WAPA Member!

Wellesley Alum Pride Alliance (WAPA) is a shared interest group for LGBTQ+ Wellesley alums founded in 2017. Our mission is to build a community with LGBTQ+ alums by providing opportunities to share experiences, support each other, and connect with current students.

Congratulations Class of 2021!

Congratulations! The Wellesley Alum Pride Alliance celebrates you and welcomes you to our Shared Identity Group! Join our email list and Facebook group to stay connected!

Welcome Class of 2020!

Congratulations! The Wellesley Alum Pride Alliance celebrates you and welcomes you to our Shared Identity Group! Join our email list and Facebook group to stay connected!

In Memory of Debra (Chas) Chasnoff '78

奥斯卡获奖导演,ri同性恋群体ghts champion, and social justice educator Debra (Chas) Chasnoff '78 died on November 7, 2017 in San Francisco. Polly Munts Talen '77 remembers her friend and classmate Chas in this essay.