Our 45th Reunion is on June 3-5 and we are going toPARTY LIKE IT'S 1977!
Don't delay: submissions for our excitingRecord Video projectare due March 18th.
And check out the latest onReunion housing.Registration will begin in early April so check back here.
In addition toReunion Planning, see how we are staying in touch through ourVirtually Verdantsessions highlighted inNEWS.
Check out photos from our first two Destination Mini-reunions in Vancouver and Santa Fe at the bottom of this page. And while there,
select 'Update Your Profile' to ensure we have your current email and that your other info in the directory is up to date.
We want to stay connected with you!
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Pat Darcy Alexander introduced us to beading techniques and beading as a spiritual practice. While she discussed beading as a form of mindfulness, she also taught beginner beading techniques via simple hands-on projects -- two easy bracelets and a pair of earrings.
In this month of love and friendship, may your thoughts turn to our alma mater. Join us in the countdown to our
45th Reunion Friday, June 3 - Sunday, June 5
Where you can see beloved old friends and make new ones at one, two, or ALL the activities being planned for us to"Party like it's 1977!"
Your 45th Reunion Planning Committee is thrilled to announce the theme for our June 3-5, 2022 Reunion:Party Like It's 1977!