让我们用这一页来说明我们是如何展示卫尔斯理的座右铭“不服务,而是服务”。要添加一个项目,请发送副本到我们的网络大师Sigi Olson Lindo (sigilindo@gmail.com)!
多蒂带头进行了班级调查,这是我们第45次聚会记录册的一部分。她有一个非常有趣的关于如何处理退休问题的博客。下面是链接:www.unretiring.blogspot.com。一定要阅读她最近在博客上发表的关于Becky McCandlish Burckmyer在我们的重聚对话上的讲话。(2012年5月15日)
MJ Levine的两份礼物(发布3/21/08)。第一个是去年6月第40次同学聚会上,她在“人生的第三个第三个”小组讨论上的发言脚本。第二个是对她工作的描述查塔努加地区脑损伤协会.
致1967届毕业生:第三位第三位:想到第三第三世界的生活真是太奇怪了。我妈妈现在92岁了,身体越来越好。这是不是意味着她已经到了人生的四分之三?这句话鼓励我说,人生是一段旅程,它没有计划好的目的地。至少当我回顾自己的前三分之二时,我是这么想的。我从卫尔斯理学院毕业后,进入一家开发计算机的公司工作。我以为我知道自己要去哪里,规划了自己的职业道路。两年后,我在飞机上遇到了一个爱上我的男人。六个月后,我们结婚了,我从公司所在地达拉斯搬到了查塔努加,不久之后,我发现自己怀了第一个儿子吉姆。我甚至没有时间去找工作。 Even if I had, there was nothing in Chattanooga like what I was doing and in 1970, no one was hiring a pregnant woman. Four years later, I was the mother of Matthew, my second son, and a daughter Margaret. I spent the next 20 years raising kids (never gave another thought to computers!). I suffered my first depression when I sent my oldest off to college. All three graduated from college and were on their own career paths and I thought I had it made! Then six months after graduating Margaret called us from Memphis, where she was in a bank training program, to say she had a violent headache. She was in too much pain to even call a doctor or 911. To make a long story very short, she had a brain tumor and was operated on three days later. All should have gone well, but she had trouble in the ICU after the surgery and ended up with an anoxic brain injury. And I had my second episode of depression. After 5 months in the hospital in Memphis (2 in a coma), 10 months in a Rehab hospital in Chattanooga and 5 months in a higher level facility in Durham, North Carolina, she came home totally physically disabled. We were fortunate to have full time caregivers, but I was in charge if they didn't show up. A year and a half later she died. Five years later I had another depression. I didn't know how much the stress had taken out of me or how much I missed her. Somehow I thought that I had gotten past it all. But your body is affected by your emotions, and my body let me know that that I needed something else. I have been in therapy, partially to deal with my loss, but even more so to become more aware of who I am and my own worth. Somehow despite a lengthy resume of volunteer activities, I seem to think that I have done nothing with my life. Did Wellesley so prepare us for success that we missed out on happiness with things we enjoy? For several years I could not read books, and I had always been an avid reader. I am at a stage of not wanting to do anything and yet missing all of the things that I have really loved like my weaving, knitting, and golf. I don't seem to put value in these things when I see so many of you with great jobs. I don't know why I compare myself to others so frequently. Each of us is an individual. My loss of Margaret has affected me in ways I don't understand. Recently I have begun reading the diaries she dictated to her psychologist during her year and a half. They were given to me by the Rehab facility. I realize how much I miss her and how much of me was in her. I am beginning to come to grips with some of these issues. I have felt guilty at times at the relief I felt when she died and I wasn't on call 24 hours a day. I need to realize that there was nothing wrong with feeling this way. What do I see coming up? Hopefully, I will come to see all of the good things about myself. I have worked on my marriage relationship, which has often been strained. We have even mourned differently and not talked about it. But, 38 years later, we are still married, and I am still trying to come to terms with what I haven't done. I don't know how many of you read Doz Delori's piece in our class notes a couple of years ago. I felt very connected to what she was saying about feeling ordinary. What I consider ordinary may be extra ordinary to someone else. My goal for this Third Third is to accept the choices I have made and not let my inability to do it all interfere with my life. I hope that I can spend the next years not worrying about what I haven't done and enjoying what I do. I do know that we cannot predict a straight path. I have picked up joys and sorrows along the way and have dropped others off. Hopefully, with good friends and better feelings about myself, I will weather the storms and enjoy the tranquility to come.
MJ Levine在查塔努加地区脑损伤协会的工作
在过去的几年里,我一直在查塔努加地区脑损伤协会工作。你们很多人都知道,我的女儿,玛格丽特,有脑损伤。我完全没有准备,也从来没有和任何有过脑震荡的人交谈过,尽管后来我知道,即使是脑震荡也是一种脑损伤。她的死因是术后问题,但很多是自行车和车祸造成的。我们的预防措施之一就是提醒人们戴上自行车头盔。CABIA为幸存者及其家人提供支持和答案。互助小组对玛格丽特非常重要。她可能和其他有类似或不同伤的人在一起。每个人都在那里互相帮助。看护者可以学到有用的东西。 Because many people have no idea how devastating a brain injury is, there is not much money available for this organization so, in addition to letting the survivors know we are here, fund raising is a part of our task. We have had to provide a heater for a survivor with no money and have aided in helping install a ramp so a survivor could get into his house. We were lucky that we were able to afford help and had the stamina to fight with the insurance company for continued rehab, but many people don't have an idea how to do these things. I recommend the book在一瞬间李和鲍勃·伍德拉夫的文章,让你了解脑损伤的破坏性有多大。他是在伊拉克受伤的美国广播公司主播。他们现在为脑损伤做了很多公关工作,并建立了一个基金会。这也是一本很好的读物。
Rhoda Trooboff写了她作为哥伦比亚特区高等法院儿童保护调解员的工作(发布3/18/08)。