视频屏幕上:一个活泼的学生打开她的门,她的宿舍。门与丰富多彩的个性化的装饰像名字标签,卡片,和别针。视频屏幕上:两个学生肩膀肩坐在床上。一个学生有一个笔记本电脑在她的大腿上,另一个是写在她的笔记本。笔记本电脑的女孩轻拍学生除了她,显示了她一些她的笔记本电脑。视频屏幕上:三个学生坐在一个宿舍,说话。房间装饰着圣诞树小彩灯和紫色光洗的房间。视频屏幕上:密切的铆工露斯:“我们可以做到”海报后面多彩色圣诞树小彩灯,但罗西有浓密的胡子贴在她的上唇。视频屏幕上:一个学生坐在她的办公桌,她面对镜头。一个学生坐在桌子旁边的床上面对学生。 They are having a conversation. Video on screen: Four students sit close together in a dorm room room, on the floor, on a chair, and on a couch, surrounding a small, circular wooden foot table. Video on screen: A student enters that room, which now has two more people. The students look up at her and smile, welcoming her. Video on screen: Students sit at a table in a common room, eating lollipops and smiling. Video on screen: A student sits comfortably in a plush chair. A student beside her sits on the floor, looking up to her, listening to what she has to say. Video on screen: A student is on her bed below a large, blue, intricate tapestry. She also has baseball posters and her track numbers pasted on the wall behind her.