[Techno音乐开始播放]视频在屏幕上:拳打的入口处坐在黑板上,用“我们打开”,以及它们在黄色粉笔上写的时间。黑板装饰有一个半月的半月,在白色粉笔和山脉散落的星星。黑板后面是打孔的小巷的入口。墙壁从露露墙的柔和黄色切换到鲜红色。“拳击的胡同”是用墙上的大块字母写的。从红灯的光芒倒出了背景中的门口。屏幕上的视频:相机专注于两个菜单坐在拳打的巷子的红色台面上。下台下方的红灯转动了由杆休息的白色高椅子柔软的橙色。在背景中,出于焦点,学生坐在柜台的一边与学生工人在另一边交谈。屏幕上的视频:穿过黑板的摄像机在打孔的胡同。 The board is pinned onto the wall. “Punch’s Alley” is written in chalk in block letters at the top of the blackboard. Pastel blue and green paper was cut out in the shape of bottles and pasted in line on top of a shelf drawn with chalk. Written on the bottles in black sharpie were the drink names so as to represent the options Punch’s Alley serves. The prices for their options are written in chalk to the left of this drawn shelf. Video on screen: From behind the bar, the camera pans across three students sitting at the bar. Two students are chatting with drinks in their hand. The other student is completing her homework. Video on screen: The camera pans across the backs of those three students sitting at the bar. Video on screen: The camera focuses on a classic boxing game, Rock ‘em Sock ‘em, that sits on the shelf behind the bar. Video on screen: The camera focuses on a plastic jack o'lantern that sits on the shelf. Video on screen: A call bell that has “Ring for Beer” written in cursive on it sits on the shelf. Next to the bell stands a small plastic man wearing a white button down and blue jeans. Behind the figure is a clear jar. There are many other knick knacks on the shelf, that are out of focus, including a plastic bucket and bottle that seems to be promoting voting. Behind these knick knacks sits a makeshift paper wall tinted red from the red lights that sit behind it. Video on screen: The camera pans across the student artwork that sits on the shelf behind the bar. The artwork includes a self portrait and an abstract painting resembling the moon and a mountain range. Video on screen: A close up of a student worker pouting an orange syrup into a tall, narrow glass that was previously filled with a yellow colored drink. The orange swirls in the yellow liquid, creating an ombre effect. The student pours only a little bit of the syrup before capping it and putting it away underneath the countertop. Video on screen: The camera follows a student worker from behind the bar as she dips below the countertop to put away what she was previously using into the refrigerator. The camera moves away from the student worker to reveal three students chatting and doing homework at the bar. Further back in room are students chatting on the red couches. Video on screen: The camera, sat at the end of the countertop, shows the four students chatting and working on their homework at the bar. The student at the end of the bar gets served a drink from a student worker. Video on screen: A low shot, close up of a rotating paper heart hung from a light fixture. Video on screen: Three students sit on a couch talking to each other and laughing. One student snaps their fingers in agreement with something another student said, as they all laugh together. Video on screen: Over the shoulder shot of one student as they talk to the other two students animatedly. Video on screen: Behind the bar, a student worker pours a soda into a glass. She accidentally bumps into another student coworker behind her and they exchange a smile. Video on screen: Four students sit at the bar laughing and talking. Video on screen: Black paper circles are arranged on the red wall to spell out “PUNCH”. The circles have gold dots along the center of each circle so as to emphasize that the black circle papers spell out the word punch. Fairy lights hang above the circles in a rectangular shape. Below the “PUNCH”, “ALLEY” is written out in gold ink on black circle papers. The ‘A’ of the ‘Alley’ is missing leaving just the “lley” on the wall.