屏幕上的视频:Wellesley Field Hockey团队处于圆圈。有些人在他们手中握住他们的野生曲棍球棍子,其他人在肩膀上休息野外曲棍球棍棒。有些学生坐在绿色的田野草地上。他们都在他们的白色Wellesley制服讨论一个话题。他们穿着各种形式的运动服,如头带和球衣。他们啜饮他们的水瓶。屏幕上的视频:仍在射击天文圈的屋顶周围。屏幕上的视频:两个人在一个房间里的屏幕上跳舞,木地板。它们与有趣的步法同步。屏幕上的视频:远射学生退出绿色大厅,走下楼梯。 The grass is green and the sun is shining. Video on Screen: Students on the quidditch team line up side by side, arms around each other as they smile down at the camera. They have dressed in Wellesley blue T-shirts with the words “whomping Wellesley” written on the chest above a large Wellesley W. The student in the middle is wearing a lion head. The sun is shining behind them. Video on Screen: A stationary shot of a student climbing on a rock climbing wall. Students who are hooked up to harnesses in preparation watch from below on the ground as the student climbs. Video on screen: A glasses-wearing, student in a black dress plays the violin facing a window with red, velvet curtains. Their hair is pulled back into a ponytail. A clear music stand is placed in front of the student. Video on screen: A stationary shot from inside the boathouse. The boats are floating on the water connected to the dock. Other boats row past in the background on Lake Waban. What’s the food like Video on screen: An apple is being eaten bite by bite as if stop motion. The apple is suspended in the air against a turquoise background. Getting to Boston Video on Screen: A cartoon, undetailed map of Boston is on screen. A Local Motion bus rides in from the left, off-screen to the blue star placing Boston on the map. A red line is drawn as the bus rides across the screen from left to right. Cambridge is marked, as well, by a turquoise dot on the map, slightly above Boston.